Black & denim outfit
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 ENG: Summer is coming to an end ( it already ended for me because school started) so I wanted to show you this outfit which I'm ... ENG: Summer is coming to an end ( it already ended for me because school started) so I wanted to show...
Nyx haul
Tuesday, September 01, 2015 Eng : Hi girls! My addiction is definitely makeup, I just love trying out new products and expanding my collection. What about you, are you... Eng: Hi girls! My addiction is definitely makeup, I just love trying out new products and expanding my collection. What about you, are...
Lipstick favorites 2015.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 Bok cure! Evo ovaj post vam pišem po drugi put jer mi se prvi sve obrisalo zbog čega ću poludjeti. Dobro dosta jadanja, ovaj post je colla... Bok cure! Evo ovaj post vam pišem po drugi put jer mi se prvi sve obrisalo zbog čega ću poludjeti. Dobro...